Wednesday, 28 October 2020

How Drinking, Smoking and Genetics Affect Different Dental Procedures

Since we were kids, we have been hearing that brushing your teeth twice a day and avoiding sugary snacks is essential to keep oral disease away. While it is true, many things impact dental procedures. Look no further to find out about the factors that affect your oral health and the prognostic of any dental treatment.

Our periodontist in Los Angeles will explain how drinking, smoking, and genes can affect many dental procedures.

Nocive Habits

1. Smoking or Using Other Tobacco Products

Smokers are included in the high-risk group of people because they have a weaker immune system. Studies show that smokers have less ability to prevent oral infections and are up to six times more likely to develop periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease destroys the bone and surrounding connective tissues that support your teeth; hence, smokers have a high risk of losing one or many teeth.

Also, if you are a severe smoker and you need dental fillings for your cavities, he or she may suggest opting for a more resistant material, such as inlays, on lays, or even a porcelain crown. 

If you are a smoker, a periodontist near you might advise you to visit a dental office every three to four months instead of every six months. 

2. Consumption of Alcohol

You don’t have to give up alcohol; however, if you are looking for dental implants near you, avoid drinking alcoholic substances a few days before and after the surgery for better results. 

3. Biting Hard Objects

Biting your nails or any hard objects, such as ice, has an impact on your dental restorations. For example, If you are wearing porcelain veneers (thin shells that cover the front part of your tooth) and you tend to bite hard things, they can chip or crack.

What About Genetics?

Even if you don’t drink alcohol or smoke, genetics plays a crucial role in your dental health. You can be more prone to suffer from gum disease or cavities due to your genes, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the world. If you keep up with your oral care routine every day, you will win the fight against your predisposition to cavities and other dental problems.

Choose a Right Professional

It’s essential to take the time to find the right professional according to your needs. For example, if you require dental implants, you should look for a dentist who specialized in that area. Unlike regular dentists, specialized professionals take two or three additional years to prepare in a specific dental field; therefore, there is a higher chance that your dental treatment is successful.

Our dental implants in Los Angeles are looking forward to helping you restore your teeth if it is what you need; we also have a periodontist that performs gingivectomy near you for a more appealing smile. And if you are looking for any other dental treatments, we have the full team! Just give us a call and schedule a consultation visit. We will be happy to offer you professional advice.

Keep in mind that every patient is different, and dentistry is not one-size-fits-all. What might work for some people is not necessarily your best option, so we strongly recommend seeking professional guidance to determine what convenience you the most.

This blog doesn’t intend to replace a consultation visit with a dentist. It provides information on a dental topic; however, for further questions or doubts, feel free to get in touch with our dental offices. As we mentioned above, our doctors are looking forward to helping you improve your life quality. 

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