Thursday 19 August 2021

What Are The Most Important Benefits Of Dental Implants?

One of the most pressing questions that people ask — sometimes even while they still have most of their own teeth but in anticipation of the future — is the staff at our dental office in Los Angeles is “What is the best option for replacing my teeth?” If you’re wondering about the same thing, we can help. To learn what options are best for you, contact a periodontist near you. The periodontist and their staff will describe all the options that may be appropriate and explain the biggest benefits of one of the most popular and successful dental procedures available today — dental implants.  

A Healthier Jaw

Even the best dentures on the market sit on your gums without replacing the roots of your missing teeth.  This is important for two reasons. First, dentures can produce sores and soreness on your gums. Second, dentures don’t prevent the loss of bone tissue jaw strength that flows from living without natural teeth for the long term. 

Since implant-supported restorations don’t rest on your gums, they’ll never cause sores. Because implants do replace the roots of your missing teeth, they stop the loss of bone mass and tissue and even stimulate the growth of new and healthy bone tissue. 

A better diet, easier digestion, and a healthier weight

Since losing your teeth, you’ve no doubt realized that there are a lot of foods you simply can’t eat anymore — things like some meats and fresh fruits and vegetables. Missing out on those foods means you’re experiencing significant nutritional deficits in your diet that are not made up by wolfing down easy-to-chew options like pasta and bread instead. If, on the other hand, you’re still trying to eat like you used to without being able to chew like when you had teeth, your stomach and digestive system are paying a steep price. While wearing implants, you’ll be able to eat all the foods you love and all the foods you need to eat to be healthy, live actively, and sustain a heart-friendly weight. 

They might as well be real

Dental implants near you are made of titanium and replace the missing roots of your natural teeth. Once the post fuses to your jaw bone, the root is completely invisible and the restoration attached to it will appear identical to natural teeth. Sure, you can tell people about them if you want to. But they’ll never find out on their own. There is one way that an implant-supported restoration differs from natural teeth. They’ll never develop tooth decay or a cavity. 

They fit and perform just like real teeth

Dental implants in Los Angeles are not your option to replace lost teeth. People who have chosen other options such as traditional dentures, though, often complain about their dentures' poor fit and their lack of confidence while wearing them. Implants don’t change the shape of your mouth the way dentures do. Implants don’t feel loose the way dentures might. 

There are lots of marketing gimmicks and gurus out there that promise you life-changing experiences. The last thing we want to do is make a promise we can’t keep. If you’re curious about these claims on behalf of dental implants — and maybe especially if you’re skeptical — we encourage you to contact a dentist near you to discuss all the alternatives. While implants may not be the appropriate solution for every person with missing teeth, millions of people have achieved completely satisfying results. Obtaining dental implants from a periodontist in Los Angeles may be just the ticket for you too.

Monday 19 July 2021

Everything about Gum Disease

You can lose a tooth for many reasons. Dental caries is the one that most patients are aware of, but conditions such as periodontal disease endanger the health of your dentition and supporting structures.

Causes of Tooth Loss

Dental caries – As we mentioned above, one of the causes of tooth loss. It is a multifactorial disease. It occurs when you have a high intake of sugary foods and don’t brush your teeth. You must think that carbohydrates are the food of bacteria. If you don’t remove the particles, bacteria react to them and produce acids that destroy the dental structure. You will notice cavities, and if untreated, you may lose the tooth because it becomes irreparable.

Gum disease  When you don’t brush the plaque away, your gums become inflamed. You may notice mild bleeding when brushing or flossing (the first sign of gum disease). We will discuss this condition further.

Fracture  Depending on the severity, your doctor may or may not save the tooth. Vertical fractures are irreparable.

Agenesis – Dental agenesis is the natural absence of the tooth. It can be due to genetics or because of a syndrome. In this case, you did not lose the dental piece but never had it. 

Everything about Gum Disease

Since people are more aware of cavities, our periodontist in Los Angeles will discuss gum disease. As we mentioned before, it starts with the inflammation of the gingiva due to poor oral hygiene. Gum disease is the infection of the supporting tissues of your dentition, and we can divide it into three stages:

1. Gingivitis

It is the inflammation and irritation of the gums. It is a reversible condition, and you do not need to look for a periodontist near you to solve it. It is sufficient to take good oral care habits and perhaps undergo professional teeth cleaning (a dental hygienist may perform it). By brushing and flossing every day with the correct technique, you may reverse the condition.

2. Periodontitis

Periodontitis is when the bone is already affected. Dental plaque hardens, and bacteria keep infecting tissues around. It leads to a pocket between the gingiva and the root, where more bacteria infect. After some time, the gums recede. 

In this stage, you will also bleed when brushing and flossing, and you will suffer from bad breath. And due to gums recession, your teeth will look longer.

3. Severe Periodontitis

In this stage, your teeth will shift, and you will experience symptoms from stages 1 and 2 (with more intensity). The pockets are deeper than 4mm.

Your doctor will perform a procedure called root scaling and planing. It consists of eliminating the tartar from the roots to prevent bacteria accumulation and stop the infection. 

The gums and jawbone recede to the point that you need to look for gum grafting near you to protect your dentition. It is a procedure that a periodontics dentist will perform.

Getting to this point is unpleasant, and the procedures are uncomfortable. Our recommendation is to keep excellent oral care and visit your dental professional regularly (we suggest twice a year). We do not want our patients undergoing gum grafting in Los Angeles but undergoing preventative treatments.

We will help you and guide you along the way, but it is your responsibility to take your oral care seriously. A healthy mouth will improve your life quality and prevent you from expensive trips to the dentist.

Contact Us Today

You may contact us today for more information about periodontal procedures or about dental health overall. We offer a wide range of treatments to enhance your smile.

Monday 14 June 2021

Can Sedation Dentistry Help You or a Loved One?

Sedation dentistry helps people who have had negative experiences with a dentist or who experience intense emotion and anxiety when considering dental treatment to overcome those experiences, emotions and anxiety. It can help anxious children, children with special physical or emotional needs, adults and seniors. It can help with routine treatment, minor procedures, cosmetic procedures, extractions of regular or wisdom teeth, complex restorative procedures or even lengthy and invasive surgical interventions. If any of the following describes you, a loved one or a vulnerable member of your family, you should discuss the availability of sedation dentistry with a dentist or periodontist in Los Angeles: 

People who experience dental phobia or anxiety

People who experience anxiety or fear relating to needles

People triggered by the sights, sounds, smells and vibrations associated with some dental treatments

If you have extremely sensitive teeth

If you have difficulty remaining still for as long as you will be receiving treatment

If you’re scheduled to undergo multiple procedures in a single appointment

People who have had negative reactions to local anesthesia in the past

Patients or any age with special needs making it difficult to remain calm or still during treatment

If you or a vulnerable loved one in your family falls into any one or more of the above categories, please take the time to explain your experiences and concerns with a dentist or periodontist near you. Your dentist in Los Angeles will carefully review your medical history to confirm that you’re a good candidate for sedation dentistry and will explain the options available to help you achieve the right level of relaxation to ensure you get the treatment that you need.

Nerves, anxiety and fear at the thought of seeing the dentist or undergoing dental treatment are common, natural and understandable. It may not always be something that people talk about, but many people of all ages experience anxiety. Every dentist in Los Angeles knows it and understands it and, better yet, can help you to deal with it. One way that a dentist near you ensures that nervous, afraid and fearful patients get the care they need is by offering sedation dentistry near you.

Sedation dentistry is not a one-size-fits-all solution? Choose the right option for you and your needs. 

Sedation dentistry in Los Angeles is not a one-size-fits-all solution because no two individuals’ situations are exactly alike. Your dentist or periodontist will describe four options for providing relaxation through sedation dentistry to produce different levels of relaxation. Choosing the appropriate level for you will require consideration of factors including your level of anxiety, the type of treatment you’re receiving, and the length of time your dentist will be treating you. 

Nitrous oxide

Laughing gas and nitrous oxide are the same thing. Nitrous oxide produces a mild sedative effect that takes effect and dissipates quickly. You inhale the nitrous oxide through a mask or tube and will remain awake at all times.

Oral sedation 

For people who require more relief than provided by nitrous oxide, oral is administered through a pill the night before or in the morning of your treatment. Oral sedation can produce a deeper level of sedation than laughing gas, but you will remain awake throughout your treatment.

IV sedation

Intravenous (IV) sedation is the procedure in which sedative drugs are administered through an IV placed in your arm. IV sedation produces a deeper level of sedation akin to that achieved with oral sedation. The staff at the dental clinic near you will monitor you throughout treatment. The sedative effect of IV sedation takes longer to wear off than the effects of nitrous oxide or oral sedation.

General anesthesia

For patients who require the most extreme levels of relief or who are undergoing the most extreme treatment, general anesthesia is the most extreme form of sedation. It achieves a state of relaxation so deep that patients will fall into a deep sleep  and be unconscious throughout treatment. Patients undergoing lengthy or complex procedures and who experience very significant fear or anxiety may benefit from general anesthesia. General anesthesia is not commonly necessary and is not administered at ordinary dental offices, but by specially trained staff at surgical clinics that specialize in this form of treatment.

Are you or members of your family avoiding essential dental treatment due to fear, anxiety or other forms of inhibiting factors? Contact a dentist near you to ask if sedation dentistry in Los Angeles could help you to get past those issues and to get the treatment you need.

Saturday 22 May 2021

Things to Know About Gum Grafting

Did you know that the gums and the jawbone recede? It happens due to many factors. For example, if you brush too aggressively, your gingiva gets hurt. If you don’t brush your teeth, gums separate from your dental pieces, making them look bigger.

When the recession is becoming problematic, gives you sensitivity, your gums bleed, or your teeth shift due to the lack of support (periodontitis, we will explain it further), you should look for gum grafting near you.

If you think you may benefit from gum grafting in LosAngeles, you may visit our dental professionals. We will evaluate the severity of the gum recession and if it’s reversible or needs surgical intervention.

What to Expect of Gum Grafting?

The procedure consists of placing the tissue in the place of the recession (the gums). The donor site is usually the palate; however, when you need to put tissue in many teeth, the donor should be another source.

First, your doctor will administer numb medication. This way, you will not feel a thing during the procedure. If you are too anxious, you may discuss sedation dentistry with them. We have a team of experts in periodontics in Los Angeles, but they are also experts in sedation. Depending on your level of anxiety, they may choose one form of sedation or another. 

They will cut the tissue from the palate and transfer it to the recession areas. Before attaching it, they will separate the gingiva from the jawbone a little bit, and they will move it there. Both the donor and recipient sites will get sutures.

They may choose to cover the sutures or not. If they don’t, they may place a mouthpiece over the roof of your mouth (the donor site) to protect it against food debris and bacteria.

What to Expect After the Procedure?

Like with a dental extraction, you will experience mild pain during the first days. You may take any over-the-counter pain medication to alleviate it.

Using ice packs is also advisable. You may place them on the face for ten minutes on/off.

Your doctor may prescribe antimicrobial mouthwashes or antibiotics. Take them as instructed to avoid any infections.

Diet Restrictions

Since the healing of the wounds takes about two weeks, we advise patients to stick to soft foods first. Over the days, they may switch to other foods, depending on how they are feeling.

Preventing Gum Disease

In some cases, gum recession is due to orthodontic treatment. But if it is because of poor oral hygiene, you must look for periodontics near you. You could benefit from a dental visit and treatment.

The first thing your dental professional will instruct is to maintain good oral care habits. Gum disease occurs because people skip their daily brushing and flossing, so we are here to remind you how to keep these issues away 

1. Brush your teeth – With fluoride toothpaste, twice a day, using a soft-bristled toothbrush.

2. Floss daily – Do not forget to remove the plaque from between your teeth. To do so, use dental floss, interdental brushes, or water flossers.

3. Avoid sugary snacks – The sugary from starchy foods are the worst enemy to your teeth. Try reducing these types of foods, and include more vegetables in your diet.

4. Visit your dentist – Regular checkups are essential to prevent gum recession and periodontal disease. Your doctor will examine your mouth and detect any early signs of a problem.

5. Change your toothbrush – every three to four months or when the bristles are frayed. Not doing so will harm your teeth and gums.

Thursday 15 April 2021

What Are Sedation Dentistry Options?

Dental sedation is a treatment procedure that helps patients to overcome fear, anxiety, and nervousness about receiving dental work so that they get the care they need as comfortably as possible. Dental fear and anxiety are common and understandable. Unfortunately, they’re also common obstacles to people getting the treatment they need. Too many patients develop more significant dental issues that require more complex and invasive procedures to address than they otherwise would because they’re afraid to get the care they need. Dental sedation helps eliminate those obstacles. Here’s how.

Sedation dentistry in Los Angeles isn’t a single product but is a suite of products that can be tailored to meet the needs of individual patients. Here are the four types of available sedation dentistry near you. Keep in mind that these sedation dentistry options are not alternatives to local anesthetic. Your dentist will always numb the area of your mouth and gums being treated to be sure you feel minimal pain and discomfort. Sedation dentistry supplements local anesthetic by helping you to remain still, calm, and comfortable while being treated — so calm and comfortable that you may not even remember your appointment (depending on what option you choose).

Nitrous oxide

You may know nitrous oxide better than laughing gas. Patients inhale laughing gas through a mask or tube placed just below their nostrils. Laughing gas takes effect quickly; you’ll begin to feel relaxed and maybe even a bit giddy within 30 seconds. Once you stop inhaling, the effect quickly clears your system.

Oral sedation

To achieve a deeper level of relaxation while still remaining completely awake during your procedure, your dentist may recommend oral sedation. Oral sedation is usually achieved by taking a pill or tablet the night before your dentist’s appointment and a second pill or tablet an hour before your appointment. Patients usually remember very little about dental work received while under the influence of oral sedation.

IV sedation

Intravenous (IV) sedation comes in a couple of different levels: “twilight” sedation and general anesthesia, which we’ll introduce below. Intravenous sedative drugs are administered through an IV placed in a vein in your arm. Under the influence of twilight IV sedation, you’ll feel markedly sleepy but will be aware of your surroundings. Your dentist can rouse you to full wakefulness at any time if needed. Twilight IV sedation is appropriate for people with very high levels of anxiety undergoing lengthy or complex treatment. 

General anesthesia

General anesthesia is the most extreme option of sedation dentistry available and is, in fact, very unusual except in cases of extremely lengthy and complex oral surgery. Under the influence of general anesthesia, you’ll be unconscious and asleep and will have no memory of undergoing treatment. Procedures under general anesthesia are performed at specialist surgery clinics under medical supervision.

Which type of sedation is right for you? To determine the answer to that question, your dentist will consider a wide range of factors: your age; what is the nature of your fear or anxiety; how extreme is that fear or anxiety; what types of procedures are you undergoing; how long will you need to remain calm and still to get the care you need; your medical history; and any prior experience with different types of sedative drugs.

Whether you’re a child having a tooth pulled, an adult undergoing root canal therapy or a senior citizen undergoing periodontics in Los Angeles, there is a sedation dentistry option that can — in addition to the use of local anesthetics — ensure you get the treatment you need as comfortably as possible. Whatever dental work you need, including periodontics near you, as your dentist what sedation option is best for you?

Friday 12 March 2021

Everything About Scaling and Root Planning

When was the last time that you visited a dental professional? If the answer is, over a year ago, we strongly suggest you schedule the appointment now. 

If you postpone your dental checkups, you will develop plaque and tartar buildup and might need to visit a periodontist in Los Angeles. We will discuss gum disease and its treatment below.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is a condition that affects the gums, bone, and surrounding connective tissue of teeth. When you eat, bits of food debris remain in your mouth, and if you don’t remove them, bacteria thrive with them and produce acids that wear away your enamel, leading to tooth decay.

Although dental plaque is the most common cause of gum disease, there are other causes, such as hormonal dysfunction and some medications (such as mental health medication). 

What are the Consequences of Untreated Gum Disease?

If untreated, dental plaque and tartar keep building up around and beneath the gum line. The gingiva recedes, and the tooth loses its support. Teeth start shifting, and when gum disease is at the most severe stage (advanced periodontitis), they fall out.

Luckily, you can prevent gum disease. If you visit a periodontist near you when you have Gingivitis (the first stage), they will suggest you take better care of your teeth and gums. It is sufficient to brush your teeth twice a day and floss between teeth to reverse this condition and make your gums heal. You will also need teeth cleaning with a dental hygienist to remove plaque buildup.

Treatment of Periodontitis

If Gingivitis advances to periodontitis, the treatment is more invasive. You will need to look for scaling and root planning near you.

What is Scaling and Root Planning?

Scaling and root planning in Los Angeles is a dental procedure that a periodontist dentist near you performs when your gum disease is advanced. It consists of scaling tartar away so your gums can re-attach to your dentition. Then, your dentist will plan the roots to make their surface smooth.

Regular brushing doesn’t remove tartar (hardened dental plaque).

What Can I Expect from the Procedure?

The procedure can take more than one appointment, depending on the severity of the condition. 

First, your dental professional will take a set of x-rays to check on your bone. They will also probe your gingiva to detect how deep is the periodontal pocket.

Your doctor will administer a local anesthetic to numb the area and start removing plaque and tartar buildup with a dental instrument called “scaler”; next, they will plan your roots to make them smooth and plaque-free.

What Can I Expect After the Procedure?

During the following weeks (four to six), you may experience sensitivity to hot and cold and sweet ítems. You may also notice minor bleeding while you brush your teeth, but it will cease after three days.

To prevent any discomfort, you may avoid hot meals during the first couple of weeks.

You may use an ultra-soft toothbrush to reduce the sensibility after the procedure. 

Your doctor might recommend desensitizing toothpaste and topical fluoride.

If you cannot handle the discomfort, you may take any over-the-counter pain medication, such as Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen.


After four to six weeks, you will need a re-evaluation. Your dental professional will monitor the healing and determine if you need additional scaling or any antibiotics. Depending on the patient’s progress and daily habits, they might suggest periodontal maintenance every three months.

If you have further questions, you may contact our dental clinic. We have a team of dental professionals that look forward to helping you improve your smile and oral health.


Thursday 11 February 2021

Understanding Gingivectomy

Around 47.2 percent of Americans over 30 years of age suffer from periodontal disease according to the American Dental Association. Commonly known as gum disease, periodontal disease is an infection found in the tissues lining the gumline. When periodontal disease progresses and cannot be treated with the regular mode of treatments - scaling and root planing, another mode of treatment is administered – Gingivectomy. It helps heal gum disease or correct the effects of the gum condition in the structure surrounding the teeth. Gingivectomy is one of the few remedies to treat the effects of gum disease.

What is Gingivectomy?

Gingivectomy is a form of treatment that involves extracting a part of your gum from in and around your teeth to treat periodontal disease. It is also used as a treatment to increase the height, length, or width of an individual’s tooth or a portion of the tooth.

Who can get a Gingivectomy?

Any individual who has been diagnosed with gingivitis can get a gingivectomy in Los Angeles can get a gingivectomy. It is a treatment for individuals with periodontal disease. Over time, unremoved plaque hardens and turns into something known as tartar or calculus. It causes the gums to swell up and loosens the teeth from their position. After a point, tartar cannot be removed by the simple act of brushing or flossing and can result in unexplained bleeding in the gums and teeth. Gingivectomy is a treatment that is recommended when root planing and scaling do not work to treat gum disease.

Gingivectomy is also a recommended treatment for individuals with periodontitis. It is a bacterial infection that causes the gums to swell and eventually lead to tooth loss and structural damage to the bone in your jawline if not treated on time. Sometimes, the infection in the gums can be treated with a course of antibiotics alone.

What is the procedure for a gingivectomy?

Gingivectomy is a surgery that is often performed using surgical scalpels. However, sometimes, a laser with low frequency is also utilized instead of the scalpels during the surgery. The surgery involves cleaning, trimming, and removing the infected tissue. The remaining gums are reattached to the teeth with the help of sutures. The wound is then cleaned with the help of saline solution and special rinses.

If a periodontist in Los Angeles has recommended that you receive a gingivectomy, don’t worry about the procedure being uncomfortable. The dentist will administer your local anesthesia first. Other sedation options will also be discussed – your dentist and you can conclude the best option that suits you. Visit a periodontist near you for more information.

After the gingivectomy surgery, the periodontist will place a surgical dressing or a surgical pack on the area surrounding the teeth and gums. The dressing will have to be in place for a week while your teeth and gums heal. The dentist will also recommend an antibacterial mouthwash to clean and rinse your mouth while you heal from the surgery.

There is no guarantee that you can prevent the disease completely, but you can surely take the necessary steps to avoid developing periodontal disease. Follow good dental hygiene, brush at least twice every day, floss regularly, and follow a well-maintained diet and a healthy lifestyle. Make sure to go for regular dental check-ups, so your dentist can catch any symptoms early on. Prevention is better than cure.

Now that you’ve understood the gist of gingivectomy, you should plan a visit to your dentist to have any of your queries answered. For more information on gingivectomy near you, check out the services provided at a dental clinic near you. Book an appointment today!

Wednesday 27 January 2021

Symptoms To Anticipate After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Every wisdom tooth extraction in Los Angeles is a significant surgical procedure that has normal and predictable lingering effects during recovery. Pain and discomfort after surgery and during recovery do not mean there is a problem or complication. It’s natural and should not alarm you. If you ever experience symptoms or sensations during your recovery that you were not told to expect or that concern you, don’t hesitate to contact a periodontist near you. Here, though, is an outline of some of the post-surgery things to be aware of following wisdom teeth extraction. 


You won’t experience any pain while undergoing a tooth extraction near you, but may experience some pain during recovery. The pain can be managed by taking over-the-counter pain medications such as Tylenol, Motrin, Advil or Aleve, but be sure to follow the label’s instructions and your surgeon’s directions precisely. 

Prescription pain medications are available to help with significant or extreme pain, but that is not usually necessary. If you have any allergies or past negative experiences with any pain medication, be sure your dentist knows before your procedure. 


In the hours after your surgery, you may feel some lingering but temporary numbness in the area of your tongue, lips, and even your chin. While that numbness is present, it’s important to be extremely careful while biting and chewing. You may accidentally bite yourself! 

Elevated temperature

The presence of a mild fever is a normal and natural part of your body’s recovery process. There is no need to be concerned about a mildly elevated temperature in the hours after surgery. You can take Tylenol or Ibuprofen as directed to help reduce your fever. Having said that, if the elevated temperature persists for more than a day, contact your periodontist in Los Angeles to ensure that no infection is present. 

Sore throat

Many patients who have undergone wisdom tooth extraction report a sore throat or some pain while swallowing after surgery. Those symptoms are normal and common, in part due to the natural swelling of your muscles during surgery. That swelling can sometimes cause some discomfort while swallowing as well as some stiffness in your jaw muscles. That soreness and stiffness should dissipate within a day or two of the procedure. 

Symptoms affecting your ears

The first four symptoms we’ve mentioned above probably haven’t surprised you. This one might be a little different, but it’ll make sense when you think about it. After undergoing a wisdom tooth extraction, you may experience some pain and swelling in your ears. The extraction of teeth from the inside of your jaw causes swelling not just in the jaw but in the muscles attached to it that is, in turn, attached to other muscles and tissues in your face. Very predictably, wisdom tooth extraction causes swelling and stiffness in the muscles of and around your jaw, mouth, and throat that places pressure on other areas of your head — including your ears. As the swelling and soreness of the muscles around your jaw, mouth and throat with time, the ear pain will also dissipate. 

None of the symptoms described above require you to contact your periodontist in Los Angeles during your recovery period. Having said that, there is absolutely nothing wrong with contacting your surgeon whenever you’re concerned. Your dentist will want to hear from you any time you experience symptoms that the staff at your dental clinic did not warn you about and prepare you for, or if your symptoms increase or worsen rather than ease and improve over time as you recover.